Hello all,
Today all eyes will be on the first partnership made between Ultimo GG and Birmingham City FC
The team have announced 2 days ago the partnership in their official Telegram Group and today it will also be announced official by BCFC.What that means?
The community will grow exponentially starting today..
After the official announcement is made ,it will be propagated on all crypto world using banners,influencers/promoters,news/press releases,external AMA`s …
Since this project is not meant to be a PUMP&DUMP one like all those other projects that last a few days ..the entire marketing plan is to grow it nice and steady.
The only way for this project is UP!
As an investor myself ,this is the only project i got in and can say that i go to sleep without worry if it will still exist the next day!
Why will this project become successful in the crypto world?
Ultimo GG is an established UK registered company (since 2007) with several service offerings. This provides the first layer of trust for investors.
Their background enables access to essential connections and networks. Coupled with significant funding, the team is able to onboard a wealth of celebrities, agencies, and influencers to promote and market the brand.
Fully doxxed team holds multiple AMA sessions daily, answering questions from the community, and providing frequent updates on the project.
Detailed whitepaper charts out the extensive road map where Ultimo GG is heading in this space. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
For any other questions you guys may have go to their telegram channel and ask.Someone from the team is always online 24/7.
CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ultimogg/
CG: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ultimogg
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