Why gaming is taking over nearly half of blockchain transactions

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Blockchain technology has come a long way since its inception as the backbone of cryptocurrencies.

Today, it is being used to create decentralized applications (dapps) that offer a wide range of benefits, such as transparency, security, and immutability.

One industry that has been quick to embrace blockchain technology is gaming. Blockchain has created new opportunities for gamers and game developers alike.

Read on to explore why gaming is taking over blockchain transactions and what this means for the future of both industries.

The numbers

The latest BGA Game Report by DappRadar reveals that gaming continues to be a significant driving force in the dapp industry, contributing to nearly half of the on-chain activity. It is remarkable to note that blockchain technology was originally designed for financial transactions, yet gaming has managed to make a significant impact in the space.

The report also highlights that in 2022, an average of 1.13 million Unique Active Wallets connect to game dapps on a daily basis. This figure represents a 60% increase from the previous year, indicating that blockchain gaming is gaining popularity and momentum rapidly. ⬇️⬇️ https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/641b0f822d80720f9caa36f6/

submitted by /u/mejaness

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