Updated PoV Patent With NFT Tech Now Published : altcoin

Verasity’s Proof of View Patent has been updated with additional parameters for non-ad data such as the additional request for NFTs and some structural updates to the technology.

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This update also allows us to extend the PCT – international patent protection worldwide.

PoV patent is already awarded. We don’t have to wait for anything, all we need to do is build NFT products and launch in any event. As most of the patent is based on PoV, it overlaps the NFT claims as well. This publication provides wider claims.

This covers both additional claims to protect our #NFTs tech as well as extends our worldwide protection.

PoV Patent Published

Verasity PoV is the only patented protocol layer on Mainnet. Proof of View” technology to ensure up-to-the-numbers viewership as a measure to prevent fraud from bots, artificial traffic and creating a transparent and immutable record of the NFT across its lifespan, from how it was created, moved, modified, and stored, to its possible destruction.

CEO’S Remark: Tweet

See: Coingecko

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