$HEGE is getting listed on 5 exchanges!! This might be your last chance to buy before 100M

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$HEGE has been launched 2,5 months ago and since then, it has been doing great. The growth we have seen in the last 2 weeks is extremely impressive considering the fact we achieved this organically. And it is not only the market cap we should look at, we gained new holders, followers, community members etc. So, let's take a look at the recent growth first.

Market cap

This flabbergasting pump started exactly 14 days ago when $HEGE was at 2,8M market cap. In the first week, $HEGE exploded for the first time and went to the new ATH of 11M. In the second week, we exploded again and went to new ATH again which is 30,8M and now we are sitting at 25M waiting for another pump that will most likely occur after our CEX listings.


We had 5100 holders exactly 14 days ago after our month consolidation. Obviously the mcap growth will be reflected in the amount of new holders. We have acquired 2500 new holders. This means we are up by 50% in terms of holders and have around 7250 holders rn.

Socials growth

Social networks like Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Tiktok, etc. are often ignored and that is a terrible mistake. But $HEGE admins know that so they spent a lot of time and effort to build them in the last 2 weeks.

We gained over 5k Twitter followers, created a Tiktok account, started growing Instagram and reached nearly 800 reddit members. The most impresive is probably our Telegram channel that absolutely exploded in members and went from sub 3k to 5200 in just 14 days.

CEX listings

But that's enough about our achievements, let's talk about the upcoming CEX listings. As you can tell from the title, we are getting listed on 5 exchanges. THAT'S RIGHT, 5!!! We got listed on SuperEX today for free and we are going to get listed on Toobit, Azbit and IndoEx later today.

You may be thinking rn, but that's only 4 exchanges? You are right, the best for last. Our admins and dev have made a deal with MEXC, the 11th biggest crypto exchange in the world with $1,5B daily volume. The fundraising with $120k goal started 2 days ago and we were already able to collect over $70k with one early buyer donating over $20k by himself. If we continue in the set trend, we should be able to get all the funds this week and get listed sometime next month.

This shows the faith of our community in this project, willing to send tens of thousands of dollars, because they know this is just the beginning and much more is coming.

The amount of listings we get in only 2 weeks period will catch attention of many people which is great but most importantly the attention of Tier 1 exchanges like Gate, HTX or Bybit and influencers that already started mentioning us after we skyrocketed.

Do not forget that we are only 2,5 months old so there is still plenty of room and time for future growth. I mentioned only the most important things in this post so if you want to find out more about our CEX listings or maybe about the various giveaways our team is holding every week, join our Telegram and become the real HEGEND!

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hege/

🌐 hegecoin.com 🌐


submitted by /u/SeparateReporter6625

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