$HEGE has been reaching for previous ATH and here are some reasons why:

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Why $HEGE is a long-term hold, and not your usual short-term meme project. Time to rotate those profits into $HEGE!

No I'm not chatgpt or a bot so get that out of your system first, random guy who always comes here.

Now onto it. $HEGE was born as the anti-rug, the anti-scam, a way to gain trust of those who were rugged before, and as a safe haven for those new to memecoins. Due to that same attitude, we work hard to make sure your money is as safe as it can be, well, in a memecoin space that is. From shrimps to whales.

Because of that, we've made long-term plans to develop this project into something that'll last—not based on a cultural zeitgeist, a fleeting election, a literal photo of an animal—but something new. Every bull market will bring new people and with it—new scammers. $HEGE will be here to help them, to create a community to guide them. $HEGE will be there to make sure your profits from those pump and dumps you got lucky on are safe. Here are things the team and community at $HEGE are doing to make this last:

  1. Nobody single person can rug this coin—our liquidity is high, and no one person has enough. We know, our whales have disclosed and once larger CEX listings come, have volunteered to lock a large portion of their $HEGE (I am one of them).

  2. Real utility—the $HEGE Academy. While in early stages, the team (current animators, former teachers, and more) are putting together an "academy" that will teach newer folks how to identify scams among many other things. As a former teacher, I'll be helping develop the curriculum myself.

  3. Roadmaps, marketing debriefs, transparency. Not gonna lie—we had a bumpy time earlier. We were about to start a marketing push when a few unlucky things happened. The team, not wanting to waste the $26k the community raised, stopped the marketing and pivoted strategies. Afterward, they published a marketing debrief, admitting what went wrong and how they were going to fix it. As you can see, it worked. We're up 300% since then! This dedication will continue and as we speak, roadmap #2 is being worked on.

  4. CEX listings. We are starting small with TooBit, so that we can dip our feet in as a small MC (7.3m now). We have a plan to continue listing on larger CEXs as MC increases, as it seems logical. These listings will increase the base and give more stable volume as time goes on. A blue chip of memes, if you will.

  5. Just, the community itself. You've seen us on Reddit. We're relentless, even when times are tough. We don't give up on our investments or your investments. Go on dexscreener and see how many coins have absolutely zero plan—even big MCs. It's why you'll see them fade over a very quick time or a slow death. Because they rode a wave and didn't actually care about the coin's development. We aren't that. We have been through a movie-worth of struggles. We don't give up.

TLDR; buy $HEGE, rotate profits, and get your next 50x because this is a safe investment—well, for a memecoin. Find our TG and other socials at hegecoin.com, see our X, and you'll understand the quality we offer.

Ca: ULwSJmmpxmnRfpu6BjnK6rprKXqD5jXUmPpS1FxHXFy



submitted by /u/LusikkaFeed

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