👨‍🚀 AstroElon ($ELONONE) | 🚨 We’re about to make history! Astrozero, our gasless NFT store, will be released 19th July 6pm EST! Take note and don’t miss out! : altcoin

Welcome to Astroelon ($ELONONE) – empowering and enriching NFT creators worldwide.

For far too long, creators all over the world have been paying greedy marketplaces and middle men a fortune to distribute their NFTs to their fans. Also, as if it wasn’t enough, the creators and the fans are hit with high transaction fees on top.

With Astroelon ($ELONONE) and AstroZero this ends now!

Astroelon ($ELONONE) will be the token used to power the upcoming truly gasless NFT marketplace called AstroZero. There will be zero gas fees and the transaction fees will be a tiny fraction of what all of the other NFT marketplaces charge. It doesn’t matter how big your artist enterprise is, Astroelon ($ELONONE) and AstroZero will put more money in your pocket and give you the platform you deserve!

So take note and don’t miss out:

The $ELONONE powered AstroZero marketplace beta will be released on July 19th 6pm EST.

Investor or NFT creator you are welcome to join us on our Telegram: https://t.me/astro_elon

Many Artists have already signed up.

= Upcoming =

– NFT racing game where in game NFT improvements can be purchased with $ELONONE.

– Mass promotional campaigns will be enacted on marketplace release.

– More CEX listings soon.

– NFT game is a couple of months away.

– 12400 holders and rising by the day.

= Giveaway =

Oh! And don’t forget our Giveaway! $100k total! 10k every week!

To qualify, all you have to do is purchase a minimum of 0.1 ETH Elonone. For every 0.1 ETH you purchase you will receive 1 entry. So if you buy 0.1 ETH that will be 1 entry or if you buy 1 ETH that will be 10 entries.

= Contract =

Elonone is a safe, auto-reward, auto-deflationary ERC-20 protocol built in response to the recent surge in scams and ‘rugs’ spread through cryptomarket.

– Address: 0x97b65710d03e12775189f0d113202cc1443b0aa2

– Liquidity is locked for 100 years.

– 2% Redistribution on every purchase, sale and transfer. It pays to HODL.

– Elonone is listed on CMC, CG, Uniswap, Hotbit and Whitebit.

= Go for it in our links =


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