StrikeX DD – $STRX – ( The Smoothest Wallet on the Market ) : altcoin

StrikeX DD – $STRX – ( The Smoothest Wallet on the Market ) : altcoin

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  • Post category:Altcoins


These are my views and my opinion on StrikeX Technologies Ltd. & TradeStrike BVI. These views do not reflect on an official TradeStrike Team standpoint

Before I start here is a link to my previous DD

The Beginning

When you download the Wallet off of the Google Play Store or (App Store COMING SOON) you are greeted with a beautiful smooth UI and information in a concise manner.

You can create a brand new wallet or you can import an existing one.

Creating a New Wallet

When creating a brand new wallet you will be provided a 12 word seed phrase; and prompted to write it down. After inputting it in a correct order you will be asked to create a 4 letter pin code. This is for extra security.

You will then be asked to name your wallet, after this you will now be brought to the stunning UI of the Main Dashboard.

Navigating the Wallet

On the dashboard you will be presented with a Portfolio Tracking graph and below this are tabs such as:

  • Portfolio

  • Stats

  • Transactions

  • Watchlist

On the top right – you will see a bell button, that is the notifications tab. Here you will see all activity relevant to your personal Wallet.

Furthermore, on the top left you will see a wallet icon, when tapped this previews all of your wallets and you can seamlessly navigate through each one.

To the right of the dashboard button

This button is where you can track other cryptocurrencies such as BTC / ETH / BNB / SOL / MATIC and all tokens on the relevant blockchain.

You can tap on any of the presented cryptocurrencies and Trade them.

At the far right of the bottom icons

There is a setting menu, this contains a ‘General’ section and an ‘About’ section. You can also Log Out in this tab.

To the left of the dashboard icon

This is the Swap page. Here you can swap your assets for any token that is listed. This is very easy to manoeuvre and work.

To the far left of the dashboard icon

This is where you can directly buy or sell an asset. You can also Transfer your assets or receive assets on this page.

To Buy – You tap on the asset you want to buy and select the ‘Buy’ button, enter in the currency amount you wish to buy and it will tell you how much you will receive. Hit buy and you will be taken to one of the Gateway providers to buy this token and then follow the proceeding steps.

To Sell – You tap the asset you want to sell and select the ‘Sell’ button, enter in the amount you want to sell of your asset and hit sell. Follow the proceeding steps.

To Transfer – here you can send tokens, just simply tap on the asset of your choice, enter in the amount you want to transfer and hit next. Enter the Wallet address you wish to transfer to and hit next. Follow the proceeding steps.

To Receive – and this is where you will receive tokens. Select an asset and copy your own personal address. Send that to someone for them to send you an amount of the selected asset.

Top right of this page you will see an icon, click that and you will see your transaction history.


So as you can see from above this De-Fi Wallet is extremely easy to navigate and very useful. But the thing is words can only do so much, download it for yourself and try it out !


iPhone – App Store COMING SOON

Here’s to health, wealth and prosperity 🍻⚡️

To find out more on the wallet then please proceed to my other DD’s

What is the website ?

StrikeX Website TradeStrike Website

How do I buy ?

Trust Wallet

What is the StrikeX address ?


What is StrikeX listed on ?

StrikeX is listed and available to trade on

Where can I contact them ? 


Source link