Ingex January update, roadmap and frequently asked questions

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  • Post category:Altcoins

(Links on where to pick up the tokens at the bottom of this post)

This is the January update but I also wanted to summarise some things that are scattered over multiple posts, to have it all in one place.

First, a very brief description of the project that many of you are already familiar with: Ingex is a zk-oracle that will validate off-chain events in a way similar to current optimistic oracles like UMA, but with the added security of zk-proofs. I explain this in more depth here. The project is set to launch early this year.

The pre-launch tokens are NFTs because it’s the most practical way to not only provide governance rights on launch, but to provide a revenue share to holders each time a user makes use of the oracle.

The aforementioned revenue share for holders will depend on which set your tokens are a part of:

Token Set Revenue Share Revenue Share (Per Token)
Ingex Genesis (sold out) 8% 0.25%
Ingex Standard 6% 0.18%

There are only 32 tokens as part of the Genesis set (which are all sold out) and there will only be 96 tokens in Standard set (with half of them to be listed later on the Chads Marketplace).

As outlined months ago, there will be no additional NFTs associated with the project once all 128 are sold.

Separately, there will be an ERC-20 token launched in Q1, which holders of the NFTs will automatically receive, proportionately to the number held. This is essentially a reward for those that backed us early in the pre-launch phase.

Here is also our current roadmap, which mostly remains the same from the December update:

  • Repo for the open source components of the oracle (imminent)
  • Landing page to coincide with the testnet launch (Q1)
  • Snapshot governance (Q1)
  • The remaining 48 revenue-bearing tokens will be available when the Chads Marketplace goes live
  • ERC-20 token launch and automatic distribution to Genesis and Standard token holders when when the beta is available

Answers to some frequently asked questions I’ve received over the last few months:

Why are the pre-launch tokens NFTs instead of ERC-20 tokens?

As already touched on, the inherent properties of ERC-721 tokens (NFTs) make it much easier to implement things like a revenue share from a developer perspective. I actually have a thread on this on r/ethdev from mid last year which I can try and dig up.

Can I sell my NFTs at any time?

Yes, there is no lock-in period.

What’s your plans for the Chads Marketplace?

As outlined some time ago, we are set to be the first utility project to launch on the Marketplace.

What are the details on the ERC-20 token?

It will be a fair-launch with a burned liquidity pool and follow all other best practices to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Where can I get the NFTs?

The Genesis set is sold out, and the Standard set, which recently launched, is available on three chains:

Solana (lower gas fee to mint)

Base (lower gas fee to mint)


(Also, link to UMA because it was one of the projects mentioned, per the rules:

submitted by /u/lemond4455

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