Following $PONKE’s early days, the bottom for $HEGE is in — A prime time to buy before a massive reversal!

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$HEGE has found the ultimate floor, mimicking the exact actions of $PONKE and $KENDU after their falls following their first 10x. And we're about to reveal something that I think is potentially revolutionary in the memecoin space.

Depending on who you are, yesterday was either awesome or scary. For people who want to get rich and understand the memecoin ecosystem, it was a chance to buy a dip and immediately be up 50% on it. For people who don't understand memecoins and the way they can move, it was probably scary. But scared money don't make money. Momma didn't raise no scared money.

$HEGE had insane support after a presaler sold his whole stack in only two sells—each over $30k and $40k each. For a low MC coin, that's a helluva lot and it hurt. However, what really proved that $HEGE is here to stay, and is only getting stronger, was the rebound. The Telegram was absolutely endless with buy after buy after buy, hundreds coming in. In a matter of hours, we nearly recovered fully from the presaler and the following sales. It was madness, but those who bought that dip all the way to $3.7m are now already up significantly as we sit at $5.2m.

You might be thinking—damn, didn't $HEGE get to $30 million? Why's it at $5m? You'd be right, we did. And $PONKE went to $4.5m after hitting $43.4m. $SHIB lost 99% of its value before it blew up. $HEGE is a quality project. We got a team of animators working every day to pump out quality content. Our socials are growing at insane rates—YouTube, IG, etc. all at rapid speed. We aren't going anywhere, and whales selling just give you all a chance to hop in a quality project for higher upside. You probably look at these higher MC coins and think "damn, the upside with those just isn't there. I need to find one early."

Well, you found $HEGE, and you're early. So hop on in.



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submitted by /u/GiovanniX30

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