$BTW becoming the biggest irl content coin

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We can all agree that content is what makes projects reach hundreds of millions or even billions this bullrun. It is not only about contents of course but it is one of the important pillars and with high quality and FAMOUS content new opportunities how to finance your project open up.

And the reason why $BTW will become one of the biggest content driven project is simple. They started doing stuff that really brings attention. And when I say attention I mean millions of views across Instagram, Reddit, X, Tiktok and more.


And banana costume in subway is nothing compared to the other stuff they are doing. Oobie, the CTO leader taped himself to a van while wearing a banana costume. His friends were then driving all across NYC. Again, this crazy idea got hundreds of thousands of views.


But my by far favorite stunt was when Oobie went skydiving in banana costume. The amount of content they were able to make and the exposure was insane. No wonder this coin hold floor so well because reaching millions of views at 3M market cap is something nobody else ever reached.


In my opinion $BTW is insanely undervalued and deserves much more market cap than it has rn. DYOR but I am 99% sure it will get MUCH HIGHER this bullrun and change peoples lives. Now it is up to you if you will fade or ape the next generational wealth making project.

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/banana-tape-wall/

submitted by /u/SeparateReporter6625

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