Boom or bust, how will DeFi and NFT develop in the future? : altcoin

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Over the past two years, we have witnessed a new class of cryptocurrency startups focused on building financial primitives for the NFT marketplace. As we experienced during the DeFi summer, these projects can be grouped into the following taxonomies:

  1. Marketplace – a platform for users to trade NFT

  2. Fragmentation – a project that creates the possibility for fractional ownership of NFTs

  3. Lending – A platform where users can borrow fungible tokens by collateralizing their NFTs

  4. Index – an on-chain investment tool that allows users to own a fraction of an NFT portfolio

  5. Investing in DAOs – DAO-based investment collectives that deploy capital into markets defined by governance.

  6. Derivatives — financial contracts that derive value from the price of the underlying NFT

  7. Pricing – A project that evaluates the value of NFTs and provides pricing data on-chain

  8. Leasing — A market where users can temporarily borrow NFTs, usually for playing blockchain games.

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